008 one tonne done
Morning friends, a quick heads up - I am going to hit you with some numbers today, so I hope you've had at least one long sip of coffee.
At the end of our roast day last Wednesday we roasted our 100th batch of coffee. This week we finished on batch number 123, that means we have roasted 1230kg of coffee since we started meddling with beans at the tail end of 2020.
This feels like an important milestone for us and I guess it is. On a super rough calculation that means around 50,000 cups of Odd Kin Coffee have been drunk in the last few months. When you actually think about it and put a number on it, that seems pretty mad!
Now, I know there are plenty of coffee roasters pumping out multiple tonnes of coffee a week so we shouldn't be getting too excited, but I am excited because it feels like we are starting to get some momentum over here.
I think the coolest thing for me is that I wasn't even there for our 100th roast last week as I was MIA for a multitude of reasons. I feel super lucky that we have such a great team of people here who really do care about what we're up to. So, whilst I am sad that I missed it, I am also grateful to be surround by such brilliantly talented human beings.
We're constantly learning, tasting, tweaking, improving and tweaking again - that process will never stop. For those of you who have been on this journey with us since the beginning, hopefully you are noticing that the coffee keeps on getting tastier. That cup of Aguas Claras you're drinking today is 100% better than the first one you had back in 2020.
That's what gets me out of bed in the morning, the fact that we take a positive step forward each week and we get to do it with out mates.
The energy this week on roast day was infectious, it felt like a proper coffee roasters for the first time. Rama in the corner roasting on the Probat whilst the rest of us were flying around getting ready for meetings with potential wholesale customers and arranging training sessions for new coffee shop start ups.
I can't wait for more weeks like this.
Stay easy,
Sam & The Odd Kin Fam